Monday 30 November 2015

Great Dane!

Below are a few pictures, when students from Aalborg in Denmark who are studying IT management, visited the Smurfit iBusiness - Innovation through ICT masters class. It was a great to talk to other students with similar interest and a lot of new experiences and ideas were exchanged between both sets of students. It was also a great experience to sit in on Gitte Tjørnehøj guest lecture on the topic "Claudio Ciborra's "Drift" to "managing drifting digital development". This added another prescriptive to our previous weeks discussion about the trade-off between creativity and control or planning and improvisation in this circumstance. 

Credit Tobias Lindgreen Sørensen for the photos. 
Tobias, Sophie and I
Aalborg students, Bruno, Darren, Hamsa and Ian, captivated by Allen's lecture. Sanket...not so much!

Niall and I rocking our presentation! :) Sanket is still not impressed!!

Peter wordily thinking that he'll have to buy Speedo's with pockets to store his Ucard if e-lockers are installed in the swimming pool. 

Allen presenting to the class. 

Allen presenting to the class.

Allen presenting to the class. he does it a lot, but he's good at it :)

Aalborg students at IBM. 

A lecture debrief Dicey's :P

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